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Familia unei femei de 90 de ani din Alba acuză reprezentanții UPU Alba Iulia că au ținut

Familia unei bătrâne în vârstă de 90 de ani din judeţul Alba reclamă că femeia, ajunsă la spital în a doua zi de Crăciun, a fost ţinută şapte ore, fără un consult, în unitatea de primiri urgenţe din Alba Iulia. Oficialii unităţii sanitare transmit că de gardă au fost doar doi medici, fiecare dintre aceştia primind zeci de pacienţi. Reprezentanţii spitalului mai spun că starea de sănătate a femeii a fost „monitorizată în sala de aşteptare”, iar în final ...

The main conceptual idea of the text is a conflict between a family of a 90-year-old woman and the UPU Alba Iulia hospital. The family accuses the hospital of neglecting the woman, keeping her for 7 hours in the emergency room without a consultation. They claim she arrived with heart and circulatory problems on Christmas day and didn't receive proper medical attention. The hospital, however, defends itself by explaining that it was overwhelmed with patients, with only two doctors on duty who each saw dozens of patients during that time. They maintain that the woman's health was monitored and she was eventually seen by a doctor. Essentially, the conflict revolves around the quality of care provided and how the long wait time impacted the patient's well-being.

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